Register First Name* Last Name* E-mail Address* Home Address*Postcode* Mobile Number* Club*Birmingham Savate KickboxingBrighton SavateCambridge Academy of Martial ArtsGatwick KickboxingGuildford SavateLondon SavateOtherInstructor LevelAssistant (Animateur)InitiateurMoniteurProfesseurYear Started Savate GradeBlue GloveGreen GloveRed GloveWhite GloveYellow GloveSIlver GloveAbout youFilling in these is entirely optional depending on how you want people to contact you.Website URL WhatsApp number YouTube Facebook Public Email Address The section below is only visible to you and the GBSF site admins but must be completed and kept up to date to maintain your listing and group insurance cover. Lapsed certification is be a reason to suspend your listing and could be a breach of the Code of ConductInstructor CertificateUpload Instructor Certificate UploadDate of qualification as instructor Current First Aid certificate*Upload Current First Aid certificate UploadFirst Aid Cert Expiry Date* Do you have a Towergate Instructor policy under GBSF umbrella?*YesNoIf not, who are you insured with as an instructor?* Your instructor indemnity insurance certificate*Upload Your instructor indemnity insurance certificate UploadInstructor Indemnity Insurance expiry* Declaration: I teach children under 18 or adults at riskYesNoCRB Number* Last CRB check date* Only fill in if you are not human